Thursday, May 30, 2019

Greek Philosophers :: essays papers

Greek PhilosophersSocrates, Plato and Aristotle had virtually the same beliefsabout mans relation to the res publica, although Platos politicaltheory of the State was more(prenominal) keen-witted than Socrates orAristotles. Socrates, Plato and Aristotle all believed thatman was not self-sufficient, they believed man would be mosthappy living in a State. They also believed that all men treasuredto live the truly expert life where they could be in tune withthe truth and achieve their ultimate goals. Although Socrates,Plato and Aristotles political views of the State are similar,Platos view is more rational than Socrates and Aristotles inthe sense that he created an ideal State. Socrates, Plato andAristotle were three philosophers in ancient Greece whobelieved that no man was self-sufficient enough to live on hisown. Plato believed a State comes into existence because no single is self-sufficing (Stumph, 70). This theory ofPlatos was also shared by Aristotle who said He who is u nableto live in night club or who has no need because he is sufficientfor himself, must either be a beast or a god (Stumph, 103).These two views foretell the importance of a State to anindividual according to Plato and Aristotle. All threephilosophers believed that man would be much happier if he waspart of a State quite a than on his own. Socrates once statedWe are all more productive if we specialize in one thingrather than try to excel at many things (Stumph, 40). Withinthe State Socrates believed that there would be a division oflabour for the provision of food, shelter and clothing. Anindividual living outside of a State would have to providethems elves with these necessities. As Socrates stated abovewithin the State you would specialize in one thing only, while adifferent individual would specialize in some(prenominal)thing else and this wouldallow the quality and the quantity of the product to increase. Platoassumes that we are all born with physical and intellectual eq uipmentthat makes us suited to perform some tasks better than others (Rice,42). So now individuals only have to specialize in something that theyare physically and intellectually suited for according to Plato. Thesethree philosophers believed that if man could be more productive byspecializing in something that they are suited for they would behappier. Aristotle made the point that Every community is establishedwith the view to some good and that mankind always act in order toobtain that which they think good (Copleston, 351).Socrates, Plato and Aristotle all believed that man needs to be

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